Legal Services in Victoria

Legal News 

At Marshall Massey Alberto, we’re proud of the success we achieve inside the courtroom – and sometimes even prouder of helping you avoid court altogether. Read on below for recaps of recent successes enjoyed by team and our valued clients, as well as insights on developing areas of law. 

Recent Win: R. v. N.D., Victoria Registry

R. v. N.D., Victoria Registry  Mr. James’s client was charged with assault causing bodily harm. After extensive discussions with Crown Counsel, the Prosecution Service agreed to refer the matter to the Restorative Justice program. Mr. James’s client successfully...

Recent Win: R. v. W.P., Duncan Registry

R. v. W. P., Duncan Registry Mr. James’s client was charged with two counts of sexual interference against two separate complainants. After questioning at a preliminary inquiry, Crown Counsel dropped the charges pertinent to one complainant. The matter proceeded to...

Recent Win: R. v. S.P., Victoria Registry

R. v. S.P., Victoria Registry Mr. James’s client was charged with assault causing bodily harm and uttering threats; the complainant was his ex-girlfriend. After Mr. James cross-examined the complainant at length, the trial judge found her testimony lacked credibility...